black and white bed linen

Made In Anna

Artists in Anna.

Art can evoke deep emotions, allowing viewers to connect with their feelings in a way that words often cannot. This emotional engagement can lead to permanent healing and life-altering inspiration. 4th Street Artists believe art is a language that does not exist out loud and only art can communicate as deeply as it does. We are Artists whose purpose is to show Anna the powerful impact Art can have on a community, building, and believing, art conquers all.

4th Street Art brings workshops, classes, art therapy, virtual courses, festivals, contests, artist spotlights, art awards, galas, auctions, and more.

Art in Anna

Artists are HIGHLY valuable in society- not just as people who make pretty pictures but as economic powerhouses. Consider Dallas, Texas, The 2023 totals show $900 million in revenue, $238 million in state tax revenue, and 9,000 jobs. In May 2024, Dallas was ranked by USA Today as the #1 Art District in America.

While we don’t aim to create a 22-square-block Art District in Anna, we are inspired by the success of our nearby neighbors and partners. Together, we will grow and thrive, side by side. Our frequent conversations with the Texas Commission on the Arts and their interest in our taking these important steps means we are surrounding 4th Street Art and the Anna Art District with people who want us to be successful.

This will take time, money, and lots of artists of every form, medium, and experience level, and it will take permission, funding, and our community's embrace. We hope this conversation brings you to break out all your art supplies and start throwing paint around- for the art you will make, and the artists who move us, deserve the opportunity to BE DISCOVERED.

Women of the Arts

Monetizing artists is a near-impossible task, which is why so few artists achieve financial success. This challenge is also why 75% of women who majored in Art switched to more practical fields. Women in the arts remain grossly underrepresented. In 2023, the $9 billion art industry allocated only 2% to female artists. Tragically, the pioneering women who paved the way for others to attend art school and proved their talents equal to men’s often died without seeing their names celebrated or their legacies recognized.

In 2024, however, Women of the Arts have experienced unprecedented success. Galleries, museums, and new businesses owned by women have reached levels never seen before. Women are equally talented as men and deserve the opportunity to shine. At 4th Street Art Gallery, we are committed to supporting women with women-only studios, art events, classes, workshops, and training.

We aim to make Anna, Texas, a place where women dominate the art world.

Young women artists must see the opportunities their God-given talents provide and not be forced to compromise their passion for practicality. Our plans include featuring high school women artists in their own shows, including them in our events, and providing art school scholarships. Above all, our youth needs to see that when we had the opportunity to change the world, we did.

Aubre' M. CEO

My name is Aubre'. I am a Christian wife of an Army Veteran, a mother of four children, three of them boys, two of them homeschooled, and all of us are artists. I am a Dean's List college student and co-founder of a 501c3 nonprofit of the Arts called WarPaint Project, Inc that supports all walks of tragedies in life where a human being must find their 'Warrior-within'. I've written the very personal, and heroic, Warrior Stories of women bravely fighting cancer, of children as young as seven days old, of mothers who dragged their child out of a hospital and into Austria to try to stop his brain tumor, and all 402 of them showed me what a painting of their favorite things does when given to someone who needs a little love, It is the most precious, life-changing experience- for all of us.

I am the most fortunate person to ever hold a paintbrush that it gave me any reason to know any of these incredible families and I will spend the rest of my life honoring them. I used to think my paintings were my way out of paying for a gift but I learned a painting is more like creating a new life; how art can embrace you; lift you; mend you; and remind you of the time a painting was a centerpiece in a gift-giving event celebrating life; and the feeling never fades, or stops, and that is the power of meaningful art. Our paintings have been used at weddings, opened in hospice, given at church, and carried through hospitals on their way home, cancer-free, and they have been stood tall, next to their Warrior at their wake, and funeral.

Now, I am opening my life to all sorts of stories- to produce the art that celebrates the people in your life. Painting is my God-given gift and I used it in a God-loving way and now I feel my greatest gift of all, is to be in a community whose art community is not yet found- that I might be part of finding it. I look forward to all the ways we will incorporate art into Anna's businesses, homes, offices, medical offices, churches, salons, and more. To place art on t-shirts. book covers, logos, social media banners, and handmade Christmas cards;to give away award scholarships, microgrants, and Christmas Art Sets; to hold that December blick-tie charity Art Gala and host a couple's date night experience; is all coming in to view. I don't do it for me- I do it for you.

4th Street is only partially mine and cannot thrive how it deserves without Anna's leadership, community, and other artists. I pray I find the people who will not allow this to fail and you use all your might to ensure we do what we said. This is our chance to place a canvas and paint in front of an artist who does not know how incredible her art is and usher her through a life filled with her talent meaning something before she dies. It will take heart, soul, intelligence, and spine... and a little funding. I look forward to what we do together- Thank you for this opportunity.

WIth all I am, every single day,

Aubre' M. Murphy

Art Services Offered

Explore a variety of art-related services and products from talented local artists in Anna, Texas.

Custom Art Creations

Work with our artists to create personalized artwork that reflects your vision and style preferences.

Art Workshops Available

Join our engaging workshops led by skilled artists to enhance your creative skills and discover new techniques.

Browse a curated selection of art products designed by local artists to beautify your space.

Unique Art Products
gray computer monitor

Contact Us

Connect with our talented artists for inquiries and services.